
These are some of the programs offered by 5thousand. Any of these programs can be presented as keynotes or workshops, or fashioned into weekend-long retreats or multi-day parish missions (or anything in-between).

Parish Missions

Unleashing the Spirit

A rollercoaster journey recognizing the Spirit within us and a call to courageously unleash the spirit in our own lives. How different would our lives be if we allowed the Spirit to be unleashed in our lives?

The Unicycle of Life

Like a one wheeled bike, everything comes down to balance at the center. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and everything in our lives should extend from us as a Eucharistic people. With that, our lives should be drawn back towards the Eucharist in all that we do.

Diocesan/Deanery Rallies

Obey your Thirst

"My soul thirsts for God, the Living God." Psalm 42:2-3

One Body, Many Members

"so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." Romans 12:5

Confirmation Retreats

Jeremiah 1:5 - Formed, Called, Sent

How we are not so far removed from the young prophet, Jeremiah.

The Beginning of Awesome

Matthew 25:29 -- You've crossed a line, but it's not the finish line, we're just getting started on an awesome journey of faith.

Parish/Diocesan Retreats

The King of Hearts

Romans 5:5 -- Self Revelation and Self Donation are what God offers us through the scriptures. Sometimes we need a change of heart to recognize God within us and around us.

Basic Training

1 Timothy 4:7-8 -- Train yourself for devotion. We're told we need to live for Christ, but what does that look like. Walk the walk, talk the talk; suit up for Basic Training.


Social Media in Ministry/Social Media Training

the Benefits and Pitfalls of internet evangelization, and how to effectively minister with the use of the internet as a supplement.

Prophets of a Future Not our Own

Embracing the call of the prophet we look to the turmoil within Jeremiah and the struggles of Paul as hope to bring the Gospel the those we encounter.